JDK’s mission is to spread kindness with the dream of making the world a better place.


Our Story

Telling the story of JDK’s inception is difficult. Our reason for being at its core is the ability to share Julianna’s legacy and light, and to be able to give people what she gave those in her presence; compassion, kindness and love. The idea behind JDK and what we always try to emanate is an incredibly joyous one, however, it can be bittersweet. 

From one end, we try to spread nothing but positivity, as we know that is what Julianna would have done, but from the other end, sometimes it can be hard not want to be cynical; there is a massive hole in our hearts and we miss her more than words can begin to describe. It is incredibly easy to be bitter and infuriated when horrible acts of injustice have occurred. We are.  But when someone so young is able to touch so many, we have to let kindness supersede. All she wanted was love and peace throughout, and that is why we are here; to just do kindness.

Now that you have a sense of the why behind JDK, explaining the what is a little more complicated. Asking what we do is like asking what is kindness, there’s no one clear answer that can justify the enormity of its’ meaning. Very simply, we want to do good. Good for our hearts, good for our environment, good for the people and the world surrounding us. We want to contribute to a world where we start the kindness, stop the judging and reach out a hand. A world where people understand that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. A world where random acts of kindness are always occurring, because when someone is on the receiving end of an act of kindness (any act, no matter how small), it makes them want to pay it forward and starts this wonderful ripple effect. Repeated behaviours become habits, so if we can encourage and eventually instill in people to spread kindness as an instinct, maybe, just maybe we can play a part in making this world a better place.

Be kind. Keep her in your hearts, words, thoughts and actions. Spread that love, feel her legacy, her joy and know that we are forever grateful when you do.